Are all taxes equal? In a word, no.
There is a vast difference between corporate income taxes and personal income taxes. There is a compelling moral and philosophical argument in favor of corporate taxation, and none whatsoever for personal.
Corporate Tax
Corporations are a government fiction. An artificial person created by the state and given both rights and powers that living persons do not have. There are many differences; I will focus on just three for now.
Corporations are created by government. People are not.
Corporations live forever. People do not.
Corporations have limited liability. People have unlimited liability.
Looking at #1 it should be immediately clear to any thinking person that corporations are beholden to the government which created them. All things are beholden to their creator, after all. Corporations are beholden to government at both the state and federal levels, as the state is their father.
By state fiat, corporations are eternal. There is never a death tax, or any reading of the last will and testament. No probate court to adjudicate the disposition of corporate assets. Corporations live forever.
Corporations commit murder, mayhem, money laundering, and an astounding number of moral and legal atrocities on a daily basis. On those very rare occasions that a corporation is found culpable, no individual ever gets punished. At the most there is a (usually small) civil fine paid which amounts to the cost of doing business.
Big Pharma has knowingly and with bad-intent been poisoning humanity for decades. They are rarely if ever punished. They are in fact protected. Living breathing children of God have no such protection. If a person commits a crime, even one that is insignificant by comparison to everyday corporate crimes, if a living person knowingly hurts a single living person, they face loss of liberty or life.
Given the statutory almost divine status of corporations, it is entirely reasonable that they pay an annual tribute to their creator. Corporate income tax is not only justified, it should be at a MUCH HIGHER rate. Say, 80% or more. In addition, they can and should be subjected to every manner of coercion to act in a manner that advances the cause of humanity.
Personal Tax
Conversely, living persons are not created by government. America’s founding fathers wisely put into writing that people were created by God with rights that are inalienable. Our rights are issued by God himself. Our rights are divine. We owe no tribute to anyone or anything but our Creator.
Humanity has been deceived into believing that personal taxes are necessary - that they fund all manner of societal expenses such as schools, roads, etc. But that is 100% not true. All one needs do is realize that taxation in America began in 1913 but the country was bursting with plenty of well-funded schools and roads before then.
In fact, ALL federal taxes go directly to the federal reserve, where they are used to pay interest on the debt that the government owes the FED. What service did the FED perform to warrant such a huge annual interest income? NONE. All they do is loan the government make-believe money. Â
Ironically, there was never any need to borrow money from the fed. The government has always been free to print US notes, interest-free. Abraham Lincoln funded and won the Civil War by the issuing of ‘greenbacks’, which were simply notes he issued as money, with no interest charge. Contrast that very sane and common-sense idea with the current practice, which is to borrow federal reserve notes, from a private corporation called the Federal Reserve. The owners of the FED have been laughing at humanity’s stupidity for 110 years now.
It gets worse, believe it or not. The stinking cesspool of the FED is literally a license to counterfeit and to steal. That license is extended exclusively to a few mostly non-American, jewish families. They have never been audited so we can only guess at the level of criminal behavior. Suffice to say, this is how jews have managed to buy just about every person and thing that can be bought. After 110 years of counterfeiting, they now own pretty much everything of value in America.
It’s long past time to say NO MORE. Stop filing/paying personal taxes. At the same time, start demanding that corporations pay much more than they are now. Read this post for a more thorough understanding of these issues.