If you have not done so already, I urge you to read Part 1 and Part 2 of this 3 part series before reading this final chapter.
It turns out that MOST of the biblical characters that gave rise to Christianity, as per the New Testament are not found in any other historical source. And even the persons commonly associated with Jesus were often referred to by MANY different names. Take Peter for example. We are told that his original name was Simon. He was later called Peter (presumably Jesus gave him that name). And he was also known by at least one other name. He was called Cephas. In the latter case, there was an entirely different language at work here. Someone who wrote or edited the New Testament changed the very language of the name!
Peter’s case is not unusual. In fact, it is the norm. Consider the case of Judas. He was referred to by at least 4 different names. In addition to Judas he is called Labbaius, Thaddaeus, Didymus and Thomas. This raises the question of WHY?
Imagine if I was writing a book about that included my brother named John, and in every chapter I referred to him by a different name. I would call him John, then Jonathan, then a Spanish Juan, the Russian Ivan, Italian Gianni, etc. I might call him John of Belmont, John of Massachusetts. I might call him John son of John or John son of Elizabeth. All these ‘names’ would be true. Yet it would effectively hide the fact that all these names referred to the same man. I would only do this if I was trying to hide something. Saul/Paul/Flavius did this all the time, particularly in regard to Jesus and his family members. He truly was trying to hide Jesus and his family from the history books.
It gets even more difficult to connect the dots because oftentimes the names have slight misspellings of the same name. For instance, Paul’s travels around the Mediterranean we are told was in the company of person(s) by the names of Barnabus, Barsabus and Bannus. There isn’t space here to explain in detail here, but these are all the same person. Barnabus was Paul’s older brother, who was also called Mattias.
As I have clearly demonstrated in part two of this series, the man we know of as Saul prior to becoming a member of Jesus’ sect, changed his name to Paul shortly thereafter. He later became disenchanted with Jesus and his brother James and changed his name (in the history books he wrote) to Flavius Josephus. As Flavius he was not a Christian missionary, but a quisling jewish general in the Roman army, answering to Vespasian.
Paul/Flavius was richly rewarded for his betrayal of his jewish comrades in the war. Amongst other things he was given the Rabbinical University at Rabneh, which became the seat of government with Jerusalem reduced to rubble. Paul (now Flavius) was the de facto high priest and governor of Israel. In his war again Jesus and James, he had won big.
He had a huge staff of Rabbinical students who were eagerly helping him with his voluminous writings. He had access to every religious scroll that survived the war. All the religious artifacts were war booty given to him as a prize. He was quite keen to find any and all manuscripts or correspondence that differed from the story that he wanted to sell to the world. As they say, the victors write the history books, and Paul/Flavius was nothing if not an avid, eloquent and prolific writer.
Within the writings of Flavius, “Jewish war”, and “Life" lie the key to many mysteries of the New Testament. Flavius documented everything, but did so while determined to hide the identities of Jesus and his family. I have told you in Part 1 that Jesus was named King Manu. He was also known as King Izates (Izas, which was pronounced like Jesus). Paul/Flavius referred to the biblical Jesus extensively in his works. He often even called him by the name Jesus! But he hid the connection to the biblical Jesus by changing something. He might say 'Jesus of Gamala", or "Jesus of Sapporos", etc. He did this because A) the “real” Jesus was NOTHING like the mythical creation he conjured up and was selling to his converts to “Christianity” and B) he was desperate to hide his betrayal of Jesus from the growing Christian faithful.
Here is an example which was lost/overlooked. Consider these words from the Talmud:
Was he not an enticer, concerning whom Scripture says, ‘Neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him?’ With Jesus the Nazarene however it was different, for he was connected with the government and royalty.
Jesus was not just ‘connected’ with royalty. He was a king without a crown. A very wealthy and powerful man whose goal was to become the “King of the Jews” and use that as a platform to become Caesar in Rome. He was born for this role. He commanded thousands of soldiers and was one of the leaders of the rebellion against Rome. Paul’s quickly-growing religion was built upon a very different image, so he had to hide this from his converts, and directing dozens of editors at the University in Rabneh, he accomplished that objective. Christianity was ‘duped’. The victor re-wrote the history books, as victors have always done.
(Note: There is a sole paragraph in all of Flavius’ works that refers to the biblical “Jesus”. This sole paragraph was fraudulently inserted at some later date to make plausible that Jesus actually existed.) But throughout Flavius’ works describing his own efforts to restore order as a Roman general he is constantly contending with several men, most of whom are all named either Jesus, or Justus!
It is deliberately confusing because these men named Jesus have slightly different titles. As mentioned above, there is Jesus of Gamala, Jesus of Sepporah, Jesus of Gamiliel, Jesus/Justus of Tiberius, etc. Interestingly, these men named Jesus or Justus are described as being the leaders of a band of revolutionary fishermen! Remind me, who was the biblical leader who made ‘fishers of men’? The TRUTH has been hidden in plain sight for thousands of years, so how come this was not been clearly visible up until now?
It is impossible to miss that Flavius’ main enemies leading up to the war was a man almost always named either Jesus, Justus or Elisha, a mysterious man who led an army of fishermen, and NOT make a connection with the biblical Jesus. It is almost impossible not to do so. In fact, many scholarly researchers have seen the obvious connection between Paul & Flavius and
commented on the similarity between the two men. Even an eminent biblical scholar like Robert Eisenman saw and commented on these things, but could not bring himself to connect the dots. Why not?
The biggest obstacle was the timing. Per the New Testament, Jesus died some 40 years prior to the war, so he couldn’t be the Jesus who led an ‘army of fishermen’ against Rome, could he? No, not if he was long dead. But he was not dead. He survived the war and was exiled to the furthest reaches of the Roman empire, in England, after the war.
His life there, though in exile, was not altogether lost. This last chapter of his life became the foundation for the legend of King Arthur and his 12 knights of the round table. The 12 knights are an obvious reference to the 12 disciples, and “Camelot” was derived from “Gamala” where Jesus had been a king, before the war against Rome. Jesus, King of Gamala, became Arthur, King of Camelot.
So why did Paul/Flavius choose 33AD as the time to fake Jesus’ death? There was a notable death in 33AD. That was the beheading of John the Baptist. John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin, and the oldest brother of Paul/Flavius. Paul/Flavius used the painful time/memory of the execution of his brother to mark the time that Jesus was killed. His primary goal was to cause a tremendous inability for even modern scholars to connect the dots between the biblical Jesus, and the Jesus he fought against during the war.
Paul deliberately used his position as head of the new ‘Judaism lite’ religion, Christianity, coupled with his army of writers in Rabneh to make subtle changes in names, spellings, dates, etc, to muddy the waters, and re-write history in such a manner that his #1 enemy, King Jesus, was lost to history.
Jesus, the King without a throne who led a war against Rome itself in an effort to fulfill his God-given destiny to save the world, was turned into a lowly carpenter born to a destitute family. A single man without a wife or children. The man who had come not to bring peace, but a sword, to turn father against son and mother against daughter, became the man who preached to ‘pay your taxes’ and ‘turn the other cheek’.
But, did Jesus really survive the Roman war, and was he then exiled to a foreign land in the farthest reaches of the Roman Empire?? Consider this one passage from Flavius’ ‘Life’. He is addressing an adversary named ‘Justus’ (one of the names Paul/Flavius used to discreetly identify Jesus w/o using his name). This Justus wrote and published an essay (now lost to history) which was critical of Paul/Flavius’ view of history. Note that according to Flavius, this critical essay was published 20 years AFTER the Roman war.
Was this lost book written by the biblical Jesus? Almost certainly. Maybe we will one day discover some of the likely many manuscripts written in Jesus’ own hand, which may (hopefully) be locked away in the Vatican library (Were you aware that the Vatican library has thousands of manuscripts locked away in one of the most secure libraries in the world?).
We don't have Jesus' book, but we have Paul/Flavius’ response to it:
When Justus undertook to write about these facts, about the Jewish war ... he falsified in what he related about me, and could not speak truth even about his own country. O Justus! thou most wise of writers ... you boast that I and the Galileans have been the authors of that Revolt which your country engaged in, both against the Romans and against the king (Agrippa II) ... (but) it is written in the Commentaries of Emperor Vespasian as also how the inhabitants of Decapolis ... desired that you, who were the instigator (of the Jewish Revolt), might be brought to punishment. And you would certainly have been punished at the command of Vespasian, had not King Agrippa II, who had the power given to him to have you put to death, changed the punishment from death into a long imprisonment, at the earnest entreaty of his sister Bernice.
But you will pretend that you did not engage in the war, since you did flee to the king. Yes, indeed, you did flee to him; but I say it was out of fear of me. You say, indeed, that it is I who am a wicked man. But then, for what reason was it that king Agrippa, who procured thee thy life when you were condemned to die by Vespasian, and who bestowed so much riches upon thee, did twice afterward put you in chains, and twice obliged you to run away from thy country. And when (Agrippa) had ordered you to be put to death, he granted you a pardon at the earnest desire of Bernice? And when (Agrippa) made you his secretary, he caught thee falsifying his letters, and drove you away from his sight.
Yet cannot I but wonder at your impudence, when you have the assurance to say, that you have better related these affairs (of the revolt) than have all the others that have written about them, whilst you did not know what was done in Galilee; for thou were then in Beirut with the king. But if you assert that you have written that history better than all the rest, then why you did not publish thy history while the emperors Vespasian and Titus, the generals in that war, as well as king Agrippa and his family ... were all alive? For you had it written these twenty years, then you might have had the testimony of your accuracy. But now when these men are no longer with us, and thou think you cannot be contradicted, you venture to publish it. (Josephus, Life 65)
Like Bob Zimmerman changing his name to Bob Dylan, Paul/Flavius changed his name at least one more time. Sitting at the head of the University at Rabneh, Flavius is no longer known as Flavius, but he is now known as Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai. This famous Rabbi is very admired amongst jews for his work of putting the Talmud onto paper. Yet this illustrious rabbi is virtually unknown elsewhere. He is just like so many other biblical characters who changed history, but are lost to the history books. There is almost no mention of Rabbi Johanan in the historical record! Why is there so little known about this illustrious rabbi who wrote the Talmud? Because he did not exist until after the war, when Saul/Paul/Flavius assumed yet another name.
If the author of the Talmud, was Jesus’ number one enemy in the war against Rome, it makes sense that he is the man who wrote in the Talmud that Jesus is to this day being punished for his crimes by being boiled in feces in hell. The author of the Talmud obviously hated Jesus. Of course he did! He fought with him for years before and during the war with Rome!
Now, try, if you can, to wrap your mind around the fact that this same man who wrote that Jesus is boiling in a pot of feces, is the main founder of “Christianity” as we know it today. The Truth is stranger than fiction. It is well past time for the world to see the Truth which has been hidden in plain sight for thousands of years.
What became of Mary Magdalene?
When Jesus was exiled after the war his family was wiped out. Jesus’ sons and brothers were killed or exiled, and his family’s wealth was plundered. The women and children who remained were left to fend for themselves. Paul/Flavius/Johanan captures this imagery perfectly, when he says of Mary Magdalene:
Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai left Jerusalem riding upon an ass, while his disciples followed him, and he saw a girl picking barley grains among the dung of Arab cattle. As soon as she saw him she wrapped herself with her hair and stood before him. ‘Master,’ she said to him, ‘feed me.’ ‘My daughter,’ he asked her, ‘who are you?’ She replied, ‘I am (Mary) the daughter of Boethus-Nikodimus.’ ‘My daughter,’ he said to her, ‘what has become of the wealth of your father’s house?’
Mary, who had been a queen, had been reduced to picking grains from animal dung to survive. There is reason to believe she later emigrated to the South of France.
What became of Jesus himself?
Paul/Flavius records the following, describing the fate of King Izate (Jesus):
On the same day it was that the sons and brethren of King Izates (Izas-Jesus), together with many others of the eminent men of the populace, got together there, and besought Caesar (Titus) to give them his right hand for their security … For the time being Titus kept them all in custody; the king’s sons and kinsmen he put into chains and led them with him to Rome, in order to make them hostages for their country’s fidelity to the Romans.
After recovering from his crucifixion wounds Jesus and his kinsmen were taken to Rome as hostages. Jesus’ remaining sons and relative were told that as long as they ceased all rebellion against Rome, their beloved leader would not be again crucified, and would be allowed to live out his days in exile in the far reaches of the Empire. (He was exiled to a military fort in England.) While there Jesus wrote at least one widely read book which is now lost to history. It was entitled: “The Chronology of the Kings of Judah”
There is a short comment about this book in a work by Photius. He says:
I have read the chronology of Justus of Tiberias, whose title is The Chronology of the Kings of Judah Which Succeeded One Another. Justus came out of the city of Tiberias in Galilee. He begins his history from Moses, and ends it not till the death of Agrippa II … who died in the third year of Trajan, where also his history ends.
He is very concise in his language, and slightly passes over those affairs that were most necessary to be insisted on; and being under the Jewish prejudices, as indeed he was himself also a Jew by birth, he makes not the least mention of the appearance of Christ, or what things happened to him, or of the wonderful works that he did. He was the son of Pistus … a slave both to money and to pleasures.
Josephus says also, that the history which Justus wrote is, for the main, fabulous (unbelievable), chiefly as to those parts where he describes the Roman war with the Jews, and the taking of Jerusalem.
Photius relates that Jesus never wrote of the appearance of the “Christ”, which actually translates to “King”. But my guess is he used the pronoun “I” extensively.
Despite all of Paul/Flavius’ attempts to bury the real King Jesus, there were far too many people still living who knew the Truth. Books were written of the King Jesus/Izas of Gamala who with his 12 disciples orchestrated a failed war against the Roman Empire. Over time, in the face of threats of being burned at the stake for heresy by the Catholic Church, those stories became covert and subtle, changing Jesus’ name to Arthur, the disciples to Knights, and moving the drama to the 6th century, rather than the 1st. This is the true origin of the mythology of King Arthur, the Fisher King, and Camelot.
The legend of King Arthur includes a shadow, parallel story of a man known as the “Fisher King”. The title is apt, as Jesus was a King who led fishermen, and whose birth heralded the dawn of the Age of Pisces - the Fish. Sadly, the Fisher King is a heartbreaking story of a broken, deeply wounded (The Fisher King's wounds suggest that he was castrated) king whose kingdom was lost and now barren. He lived alone in a castle in the middle of nowhere.
After the war, Jesus was exiled to a military fortress in the middle of nowhere, where he died sometime around 101 AD. He was the Fisher King.
What might have been?
Vespasian won the war and was almost immediately made the Emperor of Rome as a result. After Nero's death, 3 Caesars in a row assumed the office and lost their lives in short order. The key lesson here is that if King Jesus had won that war, he would likely have assumed the office of Emperor instead of Vespasian. History would have been radically different, for the better. No dark ages would have occurred. The present technological developments might have been reached within a couple hundred years. We might have already colonized Mars. Who knows?
Jesus and his wife, Mary Magdalene knew the stakes. They knew that if they grabbed for the throne of Rome and lost, they would be ruined. In the popular series "Game of Thrones' emerged the memorable lines:
"If you play the game of Thrones either you win or you die."
But this royal couple believed that it was their destiny and their God-given mission. ROME WAS IN COMPLETE DISARRAY WITHOUT AN EMPEROR. There was only a relatively small Roman force to contend with. This was the moment they had been waiting for. Success was possible, and the Roman throne was within reach. But they lost. What went wrong?
Tactically, the number one problem was that the jews inside the gates of Jerusalem were killing each other by the tens of thousands. Vespasian and his son Titus could not believe that the jews were killing each other while his army was sitting outside the walls unable to get in! Why couldn't the jews unite against their common enemy, centered upon King Jesus? The key reason for this was Paul/Flavius, the silver-tongued spy for Vespasian. He did everything in his power to turn the people away from Jesus. He was a formidable adversary who frustrated Jesus at every turn.
I suspect that most of the revelations within this 3-part series have been known to Judaic/rabbinical scholars for centuries. But they have done a very good job of hiding the Truth from the Christian/goy communities. I urge you all to download the books below and re-read them with new eyes. The Truth is there.
In addition to reading Flavius Josephus’ works, you really must read Ralph Ellis’ works. Ralph Ellis’ books are the ones that opened my eyes!
Flavius' books:
Update to the assertion in Part 2, that Jesus’ father may have been King Ptolemy of Mauretania:
According to the Talmud, Jesus’ father was named ‘Pantera’. Ptolemy, son of Augustus Caesar, was titled ‘Pa-neter-ra’. {Ptolemy was executed in AD40 by Emperor Caligula.)
Paul/Flavius wrote of the wife of Ptolemy living in great wealth in Judea prior to the war. He tells of his own men plundering the wife of Ptolemy’s baggage train:
Some adventurous young men … lay in wait for the wife of Ptolemy, the king’s governor. She was travelling in great state, protected by an escort of cavalry, from the king’s lands to the Roman lands, when they fell upon her cavalcade and plundered her baggage.
So Ptolemy, ‘Pa-neter-ra’ (Pantera, Jesus' father according to the Talmud) was living in Judea prior to the war. This makes sense. Jesus was the great-grandson of Julius Caesar and the son of Ptolemy. He was a king without a crown.