Our Founder
James Fredrickson received an MBA from the University of Sothern California. He started his career in Finance at Harvard University and ended in IT at Hewlett Packard in 2008.
He began trading commodities in 1993. He made and lost large sums of money until finally he began to see the markets in a new way. He discovered bitcoin in 2012 and began writing for a few large online trading magazines. Gradually the online community noticed that he knew something others did not.
He began receiving numerous requests for instruction, and so, Geometric Thinking was launched in 2017 to satisfy those requests.
From its beginnings in 2017 to the present a little less than 1,000 traders from around the world have received a GeometricThinking education. They each learned, amongst other things, the importance of time as a technical indicator, and how to forecast time. Most traders remain in the dark about the importance of time.
In 2023, almost 7 years since GeometricThinking celebrated the graduation of its first class of students, "GT Energy Points" was launched. WD Gann would be proud. History was made on that day.

Our Story
Who are we?
If you found this site you probably already know a bit about us. We have been trading since the early 90’s. We have made and lost fortunes over the decades. Many times we considered quitting the business, but in the end we kept coming back, each time more determined to figure out what our mistakes were.We quickly realized that there was/is a hidden order – a pattern which existed but was hidden very carefully. We actually even prayed that God Himself would help us to one day discover what secrets lay hidden in those charts. We understood that great men before us, like George Bayer, William Gann and others had each uncovered bits of the secret. If they had done so, we knew we could as well, if only we never quit. That was now almost 30 years ago.
We finally started to learn enough to at least break even, which was a huge victory. Understand that in those days we traded mostly highly leveraged futures contracts which were/are very unforgiving of foolish mistakes. Gradually people around us began to notice that we knew something they did not and literally begged us to share what we had learned. For a long time we refused because we felt that no one had “earned” what we had uncovered through many years of failure and perseverance. But one day we heard the cry of a young trader who reminded us of ourselves when we were desperately seeking answers that no one was sharing. We agreed to help him.
His ensuing education helped us as much as it did him. We found that in the process of helping him we helped ourselves as well. We actually started learning new things faster than we had prior. This has continued. We find that the more we help others learn, the faster we learn. The last 2-3 years has been breathtaking in what we have uncovered.
Are we different?
We opened Geometric Thinking in July 2017 and have now taught literally many hundreds of traders worldwide the art of Geometric Thinking. Geometric Thinking focuses on a unique understanding of how geometry and natural law focuses the minds of traders (en masse) such that there are points in time and price where we can forecast trend changes are most likely to occur.
Knowing in advance, for example, that a coin like BTC will likely reach an Energy Point (ep) in time 2 weeks in advance gives the trader an almost “unfair advantage” over other traders. It becomes even more unfair if the Geometric Thinker realizes not only that a date 2 weeks away is a prime time to wait and watch for, but also realizes that there are forecast-able prices associated with that date.
If you’ve been trading for a while, you already know that this business is cut-throat and CRUEL. It is vicious and even very smart people typically lose everything over time. If you are honest with yourself, you know that the classic trading techniques, divergences, moving averages, etc. simply do not work consistently. So, what does work consistently? What will give you an unfair advantage over other traders? Geometry and natural law. Knowing these things will not guarantee that you will win. It simply gives you an advantage.
Look at the picture above of the man holding two aces in the hole. Does this guarantee that he will win the hand? No. There are still 100 ways to lose, even with a pair of aces in the hole. If he were playing against professional poker players, he would still need to master the game, right? He would still need to hide his tells, learn to bluff, learn game mathematics, etc., in order to be a consistent winner. So too with Geometric Thinking and trading.
But still, imagine if EVERY hand, or nearly every hand, that man was dealt two aces in the hole (without cheating).
UNFAIR ADVANTAGE, right? We can arrange for you to be dealt two aces in the hole more often than not. If you will combine that with the dedication to master this business, you can become a consistent winner. We believe this 100%.
Why should you care?
Whether you care to believe this or not, dates such as the 12/17/2017 high were seen weeks in advance as a date for a possible top. The 3/12/2020 low was also forecasted as a possible low well more than a month in advance.
WE LITERALLY TWEETED TO THE WORLD, AND BLOGGED, THAT THE NOV 2021 TOP WAS IN, A WEEK OR SO AFTER THE FACT, WHEN PRICE WAS STILL ~ 65000! To the best of our knowledge, we are the only ones who had the confidence to do that.
Whether you choose to believe this or not, I assure you it is true that at the very least, ~ 700 GeometricThinking students/traders know which dates to watch, and which prices, LONG before other traders do.
Does that seem fair to you? Does that matter? Should you care? We think so.

No other trading firm dared make such a declaration at that time...
Our team at GeometricThinking is made up of experienced professionals located in America, Europe and Asia. We are committed to helping our clients succeed. We have decades of experience in the finance & IT industries and are passionate about what we do.
Our team is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the industry to ensure that we are always providing the most cutting-edge tools possible.