Czar Nicholas shared a common mistake with Adolf Hitler. Neither of them understood that their enemy was heartless and determined to see them utterly destroyed. Both believed that their enemy was like themselves – rational and reasonable men who would ultimately reach a benevolent compromise where peace could reign. Both of these men were completely unaware of the monstrous, psychopathic nature of their adversary. Ironically, they were in fact both dealing with the exact same enemy – judaism/zionism/communism. Unknown to most, these three words are essentially synonyms.
Czar Nicholas survived an assassination/coup attempt in 1905. He resisted advice to have the plotters executed, and instead chose the merciful act of exiling them from Russia. Twelve years later these same men would return to Russia and murder the Czar and his entire family in a dark basement in the middle of the night.
Some 25 years later, Adolf Hitler had virtually the entire British army at his mercy at Dunkirk early in the war. The British forces had nowhere to run, their backs were to the sea. Hitler’s Panzers could have destroyed them to a man within a few short hours like shooting pigs in a pen. But Hitler ordered the Panzers to stand down and allowed the British army to return home. He believed that the war was wrong and even then, harbored hope that the British would realize that they were brothers with the Germans. That they might unite to fight their common enemy, the jewish communists who were conducting the red terror in Russia and the Ukraine.
The red terror of the 1920s and 1930s was brutally killing tens of millions of helpless Christians. But Hitler, like Czar Nicholas, did not understand that Churchill, being blackmailed by his jewish/communist enemies, would not relent until his country and people were completely destroyed. Germany’s suffering after the war cannot be overstated. Far more died after they surrendered and were disarmed, than had died during the entire war.
They are now so close to destroying the last remnants of Christian society in Europe and America that they no longer feel a strong need to hide what they are doing. They feel it is too late for the Goy to recover and save themselves.
Mankind today is fighting a similar war against the exact same enemies that murdered the Czar’s family, tortured and slaughtered 60+ million Russian Christians, incinerated and butchered 20+ million Germans. The jewish communists have never stopped in the long march toward creating a new world order of jewish domination. They are now so close to destroying the last remnants of Christian society in Europe and America that they no longer feel a strong need to hide what they are doing. They feel it is too late for the Goy to recover and save themselves. I pray they are mistaken.
It is imperative that Christians wake to the reality of the situation. But in truth there is not alot of time. The communist/zionist conspiracy has been orchestrated very well, for a very long time. The brainwashing of the goy has been spectacularly successful. To write a complete description of the events of the past 150 years leading up to today would require volumes. So, I am forced to leave out almost everything, and hope that a few highlights will help shed some light on how we got to this point.
You must understand first and foremost that the world’s central banks are (almost) entirely owned by jews. I know most people have no understanding or interest in such things as finance but this is crucial to understand. The central banks OWN the money they create, and lend them to the governments of the world at interest. Once you understand this deeply, you will realize that such an arrangement GUARANTEED they would eventually own the world. The jewish owners of the FED own it, along with the unlimited paper currency it produces.
It’s not just that they make a screaming fortune every day in interest, but THE MONEY THE BANK CREATES OUT OF THIN AIR BELONGS TO THEM. THEY CAN DO WITH IT WHATEVER THEY WANT. They can give it to whoever they want at whatever terms they want. Their enemies, the Christian goyim, pay dearly in interest, and have their assets stolen mercilessly as soon as they fail to make a payment. But their jewish family and friends, are given interest-free loans, or given money with no obligation to ever re-pay.
This is how it happened that today, ~ 110 years since the Federal Reserve was created, virtually every industry in America is owned or controlled by jews. They bought it all with money created out of thin air by the jewish owners of the central bank. The money to buy up America’s assets was largely not earned. It was simply given as a gift from jews to other jews.
Does anyone really think Facebook won over Myspace and Friendster because it was superior? No. It was because Zuckerberg, a jew, was given access to huge lines of capital when he needed it, while his competitors were not.
This is the reason that the Federal Reserve has never been audited in 110 years. If America knew what the jewish owners of the central bank have done there would be a revolution by morning.
Read the above paragraphs in red as many times as necessary to understand how the eventual ownership of EVERTHING, by “friends of the jewish owners of the central bank” was just a matter of time. Not only every THING, but every PERSON who could be bought, who had a price, has been bought as well. This is why there is almost no one in government who can be relied on to stand and fight for Christian America.
Fast forward to 2022. Russia is virtually the only Christian country in the world today, with the sense to kick the jewish banksters out of power. Every other nation on the planet, with the exception perhaps of North Korea and Iran, are controlled by jewish owners of the nation’s central banks. Hence, Russia is once again the central enemy of worldwide judaism/communism. They have been pushing Putin/Russia into a corner for years, trying to kick off a war that the jews expect they will win in the end. They did the EXACT same thing to Germany 80 years ago. They succeeded against Germany at that time. Let us pray that Putin learned from Hitler’s mistakes.
Most notably, the citizenry is being poisoned with a bio-weapon which will render most people too ill to fight within another year or so. America’s military is being forced to be jabbed as well, which guarantees that when the time comes for the military to fight to save America, it will be unable to effectively do so.
Meanwhile, war is being waged upon America in every possible way that does not include ballistic missiles falling on American cities. Most notably, the citizenry is being poisoned with a bio-weapon which will render most people too ill to fight within another year or so. America’s military is being forced to be jabbed as well, which guarantees that when the time comes for the military to fight to save America, it will be unable to effectively do so. Meanwhile an army of single brown men streams across the southern border every day. Disaster looms.
America’s economy has been devastated by 2 years of lockdowns which has transferred BILLIONS from main street businesses to globalist/jewish businesses. The supply chain is at the breaking point, as fires seem to be breaking out at every strategic distribution point where necessary foodstuffs are located. Farming is being rendered helpless as fertilizers and seeds are becoming inaccessible. The future is bleak in this regard as well, as it is becoming clear that there will be mass starvation in American cities in the not-distant future.
I could go on, listing many more ways in which the American people are being led to slaughter, but that is enough for now. What is crucial for the American people to finally understand, is that there is a common enemy behind the scenes of every one of these situations. Christian Americans are divided amongst themselves, pointing their fingers, directing their anger at leftists, democrats, blacks, whites, BLM, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Biden, etc. But as long as their anger is pointed at these people/institutions their real enemy is having a field day.
All of the institutions that are part of this process of killing and enslaving Christian Americans are either owned or controlled by jews. All of them. Reuters and Associated Press are owned by jews. The NY Times, Washington Post and every other major media outlet is owned by jews. Every one of the big name players in the bio-warfare against America are jews. Soros, Gates, Fauci, Birx, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. Others are bought and paid for, or have been blackmailed by jews. Jeffrey Epstein was a jew, as is virtually every other major player in every facet of the porn industry, which has compromised almost every goy in a position of power in DC.
Until and unless Christian Americans finally recognize who is behind the effort to kill and enslave them, they are virtually guaranteed to lose. The jews are VERY GOOD liars and cheats. It is what they are best at. Couple that with UNLIMITED ACCESS TO UNLIMITED US dollars to fund whatever they wish, and you have a very formidable enemy. When that enemy is also cruel to a level that Christians cannot comprehend, it is not just formidable. It is a threat that must be stopped at whatever cost.
The jewish red terror in Russia in the early 1920s was so barbaric that even a partial listing of the brutality can not be easily digested. Suffice to say, Satan himself could hardly be more cruel than are jews who are able to freely do whatever they want to Christians.
There is not much time left for Christians to wake up to who their enemy is. It is NOT big pharma, big tech, mainstream media or Hollywood. It is the tribe that owns and controls them all.
There is not much time left for Christians to wake up to who their enemy is. It is NOT big pharma, big tech, mainstream media or Hollywood. It is the tribe that owns and controls them all. They are simply using these institutions as weapons to win World War 3, the final war to enslave goy humanity. Putin seems to understand this, as do his generals, I presume. Let’s hope that the rest of the world’s Christian leaders wake up before it is too late.