I have been wrestling with a question. Several weeks ago, I came to realize/believe that that a 13 year long, 5 wave structure in BTC is complete. This implies strongly that the BTC era is over, though it will take some time for most people to recognize this. Another coin will almost certainly rise up to take its place. (My guess is that the Powers-That-Be intend for the replacement to be FEDcoin.) But the question for now is, what could possibly be the external trigger to begin the serious selling which will enable the world to recognize the BTC era has passed?
I don’t know yet what form the trigger will take. I just know that the trigger is coming. The charts have already told us to expect it.
Here are a few possibilities to consider:
Who/where is Satoshi?
I have long thought Satoshi was dead, or that he lost the keys to his wallet(s). He has 3 million BTC locked up in his wallet. That is 1/7 of the entire supply of all BTC ever to be mined, and they have been sitting untouched, gathering dust, for 13 years. It seems impossible that a man, still living and in possession of the keys to that huge wallet, would have the restraint to have never spent any of that mind-boggling fortune. So, I imagined that those BTC were lost forever, and would never be sold into the system.
But what if Satoshi is not dead? What is those “crazy” rumors of BTC/Satoshi being a CIA operation (or some other 3 letter agency) are actually true, and the endgame was always to finally crash the system by dumping millions of BTC when they are finally ready to launch FEDcoin? That would be a hell of a trigger, especially if they did it in large batches spread out over the next 3 years or so.
To be honest, I have a hard time wrapping my head around the premise that BTC has been a spook operation this entire time. But it is CERTAINLY in the realm of possibility. And if this theory ends up being true, then this is the time for them to blow the system up. They are on the verge of issuing a multitude of Central Bank coins. See the headline below for an example of where they are going in the very near future.
Quantum Computing Breakthrough?
Another thought that came to mind was the possibility of an announcement of some quantum computing breakthrough which renders BTC cryptography useless. That would certainly crash the BTC party, but it seems a bit of a stretch that this will happen in the next month or two. So, while this strikes me as possible, it remains a highly unlikely scenario.
What about Tether?
Then there is the Tether situation. Some $65 billion of Tether now exist. Of that total, some 45 billion were minted since January 2021. Almost every exchange in the world conducts much of their trading using the coin. Back in 2014 Tether officials said that every coin was backed 1:1 with USD. Now they say its mostly backed by some form of “commercial paper”. As there has never been an audit conducted, we have no way of knowing who issued this commercial paper, or even if there is an any commercial paper at all. Remember, ‘commercial paper’ can mean just about anything, from AAA rated corporate bonds, to an IOU scratched on the back of a piece of cardboard.
How can such a small company with only 13 employees possibly be managing a $65 billion portfolio of financial assets without leaving a very large paper trail of where that gigantic pile of money is? There are no public records of existing bank accounts, trading operations, etc. Just a statement that $65 billion is mostly in “commercial paper”, which basically means they are in the form of IOUs. As noted above, this could mean AAA rated corporate bonds, or it could be a literal IOU on a POST-IT wherein the CFO and/or CEO promises to pay back $65 billion when they are able to. Absent an audit we have not a clue.
There is a rumor, not substantiated but quite possibly true, that Tether invested their money in Chinese Evergrande paper. Evergrande went bankrupt, officially, just a few days ago. If this rumor is true, then Tether is out many billions of dollars. Is this rumor true? I don’t know. Maybe.
The biggest smoking gun, for me, is that there has never been an audit. This stinks to high heaven. It always has. But like many/most traders, I long ignored this stinking pile of crap, and just kept trading. But now that I am highly confident (not 100% certain, but close to it) that BTC’s era has ended, suddenly the prospect of Tether being exposed as a fraud strikes me as the most likely trigger for the collapse of the BTC era. If this is the case, it will not be the end of crypto, but it may well the end for millions of BTC HODLers, and the end of unregulated exchanges. The sudden drastic loss of liquidity will be catastrophic.
It seems HIGHLY likely that Tether has long been a MASSIVE criminal enterprise whereby a very few people have been printing coins with no backing, using the new coins to buy bitcoin, then selling bitcoin for USD. Ponder that for a few moments. Even at the ATH, that is enough to buy close to a million BTC. 45 billion were printed in 2021 alone, almost like they were trying to milk every last drop out of their cash cow before the game ends.
To make matters worse, Bitfinex and Tether are owned by the same people. If Tether crashes it is a safe bet that any coins at Bitfinex will vanish as they did at Mt Gox a long time ago. I lost coins to Mt Gox. Let me tell you, that absolutely sucked. I imagine the perps at Tether have a few bug-out hiding places already waiting for them to run to.
In summary: I don’t know that any of the scenarios outlined above will occur. I think a Tether crash is most likely, and it is certainly possible that the Feds intend to deliberately crash the system just as they are preparing to launch FEDcoin. Whatever occurs, I am highly confident that a black swan (or a gray swan*), is coming that will pull the plug on BTC, and it is coming soon. The charts have already announced it, and this website has broadcast it to the world, on our home page, on Nov 21, 2021.
*A gray swan is an event which could have been seen coming, if only people had not been asleep at the wheel. A Tether collapse would be a gray swan, in my opinion.