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War with Russia?

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

History tends to repeat. We all know that. We also know, though we easily forget, that the history books were written by the winners of each war. How often do you think the winner told the truth about those they had just vanquished? How often were valiant and honorable men of the losing side depicted as valiant, rather than as “brutal thugs”? Answer: Almost never.

Knowing that, I encourage the reader to consider that history books are not telling the truth in regard to virtually any of the “facts” of World War 2. The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese was not a surprise. Roosevelt knew the attack was coming and deliberately allowed it to happen, knowing that it would enrage the American people enough for him to enter the war in Europe, which he and his mostly jewish advisors were so keen to enter. Indeed, Roosevelt deliberately provoked the Japanese unceasingly, in the hopes of getting them to retaliate, knowing that they had a treaty with Germany.

In regard to Germany, the history books are virtually 100% backwards. Germany was the victim from beginning to end. After losing WW1, the Treaty of Versailles made life impossible for Germany to recover. I won’t go over the details here, but I encourage the reader to do some real research to verify this. In a nutshell, Germany was financially devastated with no hope to recover, and a large portion of its land and citizenry was stolen and given to a number of it’s neighbors. There was German land, with German people, in Poland, Hungary, and a number of other countries as well, including France. The Germans in those lands were terribly mistreated.

Adolf Hitler came to power in this environment. One of his first acts was to free Germany from the central banks and as a result allowed honest money to return to the country. This coupled with the massive public works he initiated, including the construction of the Audubon (a massive highway of no equal at the time), brought the country out of hyperinflation and into financial prosperity. Hitler was named “Man of the Year” by Time magazine as a result of his tremendous success. But he had a major problem to the east. Russia was a communist dictatorship that was intent on conquering Europe, and Germany was her number 1 target.

It is not entirely accurate to say that most jews at the time were Bolsheviks, but it is 100% true that most Bolsheviks were jews. For some reason I can only speculate on, worldwide jewry was closely aligned with the communists in Russia, and this created a huge problem for all of Europe, but primarily for Germany, because Germany was the first on their list to conquer. Germany was not only a Christian country with a Christian leader, Hitler had freed his country from the central banks, which are primarily owned by jews to this day. So, Germany had to be defeated and jewry across the world, in America and Europe, as well as in Russia, was united in this goal.

In the end, as we know, Germany was defeated, and they were largely exterminated in the process. I won’t go into the details of the massive firebombing of large civilian populations across Germany, the mass rape of surviving German women, or the starvation of millions of soldiers in Allied prison camps AFTER the war. For now, it is enough to note that those who wanted to vanquish Germany succeeded.

Fast forward to today. Putin is in the way of the globalists’ agenda. He is not on the same team as the bankers, big tech, big pharma, big media and others. The fact that all these arms of the deep state are still controlled by jews to this day is not a coincidence. However, Putin is a Christian leader of a Christian country, and he is in the globalists” way. Like Hitler and Germany 75 years ago, the globalists want him eliminated. To do this, they are provoking him at every turn trying to get him to fight back, that they can claim he struck first. They did the same thing to both Germany and then Japan.

My hope is that Putin has learned from the history of WW2 and knows that the same people are trying to destroy him and his country, as they did to Germany. My hope is that he understands that they will not stop until they get their war, and that Hitler’s major mistake was his hopes that war could be avoided. In this regard he was hopelessly naïve. One of his most strategic errors was allowing the English army at Dunkirk to leave unharmed. He could have ended the war then and there, but he couldn’t bring himself to kill all those English soldiers. He told his panzers to pull back and let them leave.

We are on the cusp of something momentous. The jewish globalists have been provoking Putin/Russia for quite some time, and it seems he has realized they aren’t going to stop. He has formally recognized a couple of Ukrainian cities, which are full of Russian people, and sent in Armed forces to protect them. He was right to do so, and my hope is that he has learned clearly the mistakes Germany made, in thinking that his foes were human and desired peace. If war breaks out, as it may, I hope he is prepared to win, and not allow any repeat of Dunkirk to occur this time around. Christian society needs Putin’s Christian nation to win against Christianity’s enemies. The Globalists are enemies of all that is good and true.

Remember the headline above that showed that Germany was really at war with jews? Look again at that headline and realize that Putin and Russia are fighting the exact same enemy. History is repeating almost as if by a script.

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