Genetically Modified Organisms, GMO, are everywhere now. It has become almost impossible to find any grain in America that is the original formulation created by God. Almost all corn, wheat, soybeans, etc. are now GMO. Some may say, ‘so what?’ Maybe it’s just a coincidence that since wheat was altered, people everywhere are discovering they can’t eat wheat products anymore because they are “GLUTEN sensitive”. Funny thing, for tens of thousands of years no one had a problem with wheat or gluten, but now suddenly people can’t eat wheat without getting seriously ill.
When I was a kid (I’m 64 now) corn was delicious. Corn flakes were delicious. You did not need to put sugar on them to enjoy them. Why? Because corn, as made by God, was full of nutrition and simple sugars. But that has all changed. If anyone doubts what I am saying all you need to do is eat a spoonful of corn flakes without sugar. Let it sit in your mouth for a minute and decide if it is ‘delicious’ these days.
In fact, you can do a better test. Get an ear of corn (still on the cob) and cook it. Then take a bite. Chew it very slowly, and for longer than you normally would. Give your saliva a chance to break down the chemicals in the corn. Pre-GMO, that corn was DELICIOUS and the longer it sat in your mouth the sweeter it became. But now, if/when you try this simple test, you will discover that these days corn tastes like industrial chemicals and insecticide, if you let it sit in your mouth just a few extra seconds before swallowing.
What God made was delicious because it was formulated to support life. Today’s corn LOOKS the same as it did 50 years ago. It FEELS the same as well. But is does not taste the same – not even close.
God’s corn design sustained life. The corn we have today was actually formulated to destroy life. That is not hyperbole. Today’s GMO corn actually creates insecticides that permeate the entire kernel of every corn plant. Most of us swallow corn long before our tongues taste the monstrosity in our mouths. And that industrial sludge within the corn goes to our gut, where it kills off all the beneficial bacteria our bodies depend on. And they call that science. Progress. Better for the economy.
Genetically Modified Humans (GMH)
And now, in 2021, we have the introduction of that same technology being applied to humanity, all over the globe. Everyday millions of people are getting injected with experimental formulations of varying strengths, which are INTENDED to permanently alter the genetic sequencing of each of the recipients. It is a global experiment. No one knows for sure what the end result will be. But you can be 100% certain that the ones at the top are not part of the experiment. They and their loved ones are not getting the jab. For sure, their children will not marry a jabbed child in the future either.
We are now living in a global Island of Dr Moreau.
Everywhere I look I see people lining up for their shots. I pity them but at the same time I am terrified of them. I know that very soon I won’t be able to buy food in any restaurant not prepared by vaxed hands. I don’t want to eat GMO food cooked by a GMH person. Do you?
Many GMH will die
I suppose if we can stay non-GMH by avoiding the kill shots long enough, the army of the vaxed will largely die off. But that’s a big IF. I can easily see the day coming when the clot shots are brought to my door, with armed officers lurking just behind.
Tragically, virtually every forum full of people who are anti-vax is rife with simple-minded religious sorts who suggest that if we just pray hard enough God will save us. Really? Think that God would have allowed George Washington to win the war against the British if he just prayed enough? Or do you think George had to actually risk getting killed in MANY battles? Do you think that the Christians who were murdered by the tens of millions by Russian communists in 1917-1921 never thought to pray? Likewise in Mao’s China? Those millions of murdered Christians prayed plenty, but prayer by itself did not save them. Nor will it save Christians in 2022, if that is all they do.
I agree that prayer is an absolute necessity. But that must be followed by ACTION, depending upon what God whispers in our ears that you and I must DO.
We are running out of time.