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User Guides & Random Thoughts...
Jun 9, 20174 min read
Every boxer has a plan until they get hit
In the world of professional boxing there is a proverb: “Everyone has a plan until they get hit.” The idea is that it behooves the...
Jun 9, 20172 min read
No one wins every hand at the poker table
Based on several recent queries sent by email, I want to clear up any confusion about my win/loss record as a trader. In case there was...
Mar 9, 20174 min read
Trading School
(This was the original announcement about the opening of GeometricThinking, preserved for posterity.) The vision: My vision for my...
Mar 9, 20173 min read
Trade the news or trade the chart?
The past few days have been tumultuous to say the least. As you may have guessed, I have been receiving lots of emails and commentary. ...
Oct 9, 20153 min read
Geometric Trading
Cryptocurrencies are the bane of every government and every central bank on earth, but they are wonderful for the average person who has...
Jan 9, 201511 min read
Le bitcoin est la “pilule rouge” de la liberté
(French translation of “Bitcoin is the Red Pill of Freedom”) Qu’est-ce qu’un “dollar” ? L’un des secrets les mieux gardés de la finance...

Jan 9, 201514 min read
Bitcoin is the “Red Pill” of Freedom
What is a “dollar”? One of the best-kept secrets of modern finance is the nature of money itself. I recall a televised dialogue between...
Jun 16, 20125 min read
Lawyers for Ron Paul
Those of us who have been in the liberty movement for longer than a few months remember clearly the outright fraud and criminal activity...
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